Lost Pages

The withered and yellowed pages

In the Book of Life and Living

All that yearning all that craving

As true knowledge dawns

Characters of the pages realize

That they're merely pawns

But by then the conclusion is nigh

Characters leave shedding memories

And then up to heaven(?) flies(?) high Laughing



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cevance's picture

It's not how many words a

It's not how many words a person writes. It's how they're written. Absolutely wonderful, Bishu.

bishu's picture

Thank you my good friend Mr Vance

Thank you my good friend Mr Vance.The "wonderfulness" is in the mind of the reader.That is how he/she sees it.You find it "wonderful" because you are "wonderful" Mr Vance my friend I am just a diabolic (parabolic) reflector mirroring my ideas to some focus. But most often I fail.Laughing



KingofWords's picture

Nice Title, Magnificent Content

Enjoyed it a lot indeed.

bishu's picture

A read and positive comment from a poet of your high stature

A read and positive comment from a poet of your high stature is so so gratifying my friend esteemed Mr Haque.Thank you Thank you Thank you



cevance's picture

A wonderful read, Bishu my

A wonderful read, Bishu my friend.

bishu's picture

Thank you my faraway friend Mr C E Vance

Thank you my faraway friend Mr C E Vance. A read from you is worth much !
