Teeny weeny pickaxe striking solid massive rock face
Trying toiling hard hoping to scrape off small bits
Mercilessly the rocky-hot sun beats his bare back
Yet he is persistent coaxing the hard rock for pieces
He knows fully well that only tiny bits he'll shave
Never does he expect gold nuggets which he can't save
Bishu...I am truly honored
Bishu...I am truly honored having inspired these thoughts so well placed into a scupted piece of art. Bursts of life in my tired mind from this read give me a halo of gratitude for having the opportunity to share 'thought beams' with you.
"Live for the life of it. Love for the love of it. No less will do."
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
My widest smile (all teeth showing)
Hello Halo !! My widest smile (all teeth showing) ~I'll try to live up to your beaming thoughts though how I can't see how since I'm at sea sailing ....no shore.. Can't live like a landlubber as I did before...... ~~~~ Sincerely your friend Sailor~