Fairies do exist in my world
They make the buds bloom
Orchestrate the singing birds
Paint the lovely leaves
In different shades of green
Sometimes they feel
Why green always ?
yellow,pink, silky pink
Fairies fall to earth with rain
Close your eyes & open your ears
You can hear them talk
Pitter patter they do walk
How I miss my dear ole Bern
Where do fairies come from?
"Fairies fall to earth with rain...." favorite line. Magical! - yrpostpoempoemiepaddllingtotheIslandfasternow :D
When rain falls
When rain falls I really do think of fairies. ~yourPPBuddyinwatersmuddy~
I miss Bern's fairy stories too. He was always an inspiration. May he be resting in peace and comforted by his fairy queen.
Enjoyed reading your fairy words, Bishu. Always nice to see your words.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Thanks Dear HealingLady
Thanks Dear HealingLady