Mango Day Invitation
Hundreds of mangos have been plucked on 4th May. The fruits have been kept on old newspapers and covered with warm blankets to ripen quickly. Sweet fragrance from the ripening mangos are sending waves of expectation to my old nostrils. Whole Mango Family had a harrowing time shooing off vandals and free-fruit seekers. My wife for 34 years doubled as an afternoon watchwoman skipping her post-lunch siesta for three long months.
10th May Sunday .. the mangos are quite ready.This morning at about 2.00 p.m. my daughter scooped out the sweet mango pulp and made three tall glasses of delicious smoothie.Plenty of green raw mangos have been plucked earlier and made into two kinds of pickle – A sweet mango jiggery pickle and a sour mustard oil sun-cooked spicy pickle.Both are lip smacking !!
Dear Postpoem Friends on my “Relationships” list, I plan a Mango Day celebration at my small home on 19th May 2015. All of you are cordially invited by this half-cooked loony scribbler to my home. There are about 30 odd “friends” on my “friend” list. You must have received my invitation cards by now.
One thing worries me. How can I recognize my PP friends ? Don’t worry I’ll be on the lookout for walking flowers,flying birds, flaming hearts, thorny cacti, gruesome skulls with legs, Cheshire Cats, white tigers,stinky skunks and what not. Not to mention the Aliens from outer space.Please please do come !! Then I’ll not have to wait till 2060.
Proposed Agenda::
18th May 2015 ::
9:00 p.m. Local Time Guests Arrival Welcome drink :: Mango smoothie with plenty of ice followed by dinner (Chapatis and jaggery-mango pickle) Bedtime 11:00 p.m. on terrace on rugs [I’ll arrange pillows & mosquito repellant]
19th May = D-Day ::
4:45 a.m. Wake up call by local sparrow & crow band & dawn-sun kiss.Going by a hired bus to Ganges riverside for bathing ,washing and teeth cleaning with neem twigs [I’ll demonstrate don’t worry].. Sweet milk tea in earthen cups & biscuits watching the sun rise higher.At home breakfast sweet organic mango jam and sliced brown bread followed by black tea.
8 a.m. to 11 am. Each with his/her smartphone [I have a Wi-fi and password is mangoinvitee2015] while biting into diced chilled mangos. Lunch at 1 p.m. Rice, mango “dal” ,fried potatoes, wax-gourd curry, mango chutney, papad, sour curd followed by l-o-n-g siesta indoors.
6 p.m. Mango Pakora & black ginger tea. See off at Space Station, Airport, Rail Stations, Bus Stations,Car Parks, etc.
Dress Code : Boys & Men :: White cotton kurta pyjamas
Girls & Ladies :: White Salwar kameez
[Hats and caps are optional]
Code word for entry :: MANGOTREAT [Please don’t forget]
Please do come !! I’ll pack take-away Mango Hampers for all. I’m trying to arrange a Mango Race at 4.30 p.m.
Nice story but, I think I'll keep
My Mangos at home
You needn't bring them here.....
... already a surfeit of mangos... Plenty are rotting.. But there'll be enuff for 18th & 19th Best wishes from Caulled Mango
mango mania sounds like a fun party
ron parrish
Come along Wordman with your words to Mango Day
Thanks ever so much for reading the utter rubbish.. Best wishes from Mangoland
My back is killing me
From the other day
Then I broke a tooth
Some extra pain
Not in the front
But pain is pain
I want to thank you man
In that faraway land
Puttin a smile on my face
When i read your plans
Goodnight and goodluck
In Mangoland
Hope your back is better... Try some hot fomentation
.. or some medicated nano-gel ... By 19th your back'll be fine
Thank you Mr Dear KS .. I try to seek happiness in the concrete slums in which I dwell ~Best wishes from Mangoland Cauliflower~
sponsored by an Mangomaniac. Sounds fun, will arrive in flower cart. MANGOTREAT MANGOTREAT MANGOTREAT. I have to say it over and over until I arrive or I will forget MANGOTREAT! :D
Thank you for the confirmation .. Respected Dubbel Rose
.... expecting you .. Also please write down the Wi-Fi password ... ~Mangomaniac~