"Angel from unknown realm
Kissing my earthly palm
Thank you for the meeting
Pleasure'll be in the eating"
Six in the warm sunny morning I leisurely woke up to the melodious chirping of busy sparrows heralding a brand new day. I went downstairs after taking off the mosquito net and switching off the noisy ceiling fan.The long restless summer night had ended and I stood beneath the mango tree inhaling the fresh morning air yet to be polluted by the dwellers of the concrete slum.The frontyard was shabby and unkempt strewn with fallen leaves and a broken crow's nest after last night's thundershower.The one hour I thoroughly enjoy before the daily noise nooses my psyche.I was at peace with myself.
Then it happened !! Beneath the thirty-year mango tree amidst the fallen dry leaves lay an Angel who was smiling at me... I looked for a long long time at her - a pretty thing - lovely & beautiful ... I could not hold myself from smiling back at her. She was so so pretty -green with yellow cheeks!! "Where were you last night ?" I asked.. "Hanging on the tree.." she replied.. That's where I lived all this time.. I now need a home .." Overjoyed I picked her up lovingly and carried her upstairs and seated her on the washing machine.I proceeded to brush my remaining teeth.I paddled into my kitchen to make my morning cuppa.
Did you know that Green Angels are particularly attracted to molasses ?? !! As I penned this burp of utter nonsense sipping my morning tea,she is sitting before me on my dining-cum-writing table passionately hugging the paper bag of molasses. She was I understand sent by The Angel's Association whose address I'm looking for. If you know the address please let me know because I wish to give them a piece of my enraged mind.
Ah! I really feel the heat of the summer over here; but then your poem has refreshed me to make me feel as if he summer is off. And then we have the peak mango season down the south.
Unavoidable Green Angels
11966842005 Heavenlyish Boulevardstreet, Havana, Cuba 99312. No one was visiting Cuba much, so green angles flourish there as does the Society for Find Angel Organizations. Lots of molasses there from the sugar cane harvest and the rum making. Most blue angels smoke Havana cigars. If ever a call for complaints and they like to haze up your dreams too. Enjoyable brain fart this - smiled at brushing remaining teeth (I am a candidate soon for dentures). :D slc
I dialled 11966842005 and a recorded voice
.. answered " Please check the number you have dialled" I tried to convince several times but the same reply "PCTNYHD" I wrote a letter .. it came back "Addressee not known" These preposterous public utility services.. Thanks for the trouble taken Respected SLC
PS : Sometimes I truthfully fail to understand why you read my random rubbish... and encourage me too... Anyway.. Thanks for the encouragement 