Reality at a Young Age -- 1.2.2009

For Good

She’s been beaten, abused

She feels so confused

And you say how sad, poor thing

You say it’ll be alright

But deep down she knows

It will never be

She knows when she gets home mommy will yell

And then she’ll drink and later when everyone’s asleep

Mommy will hit her

Because she loves alcohol more than her

You say it’s alright

you say you say you understand

but unless you’ve been beaten and abused

you will never truly understand.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

love the poem and the way you did with rich and inspiring way.... hope you write more and more as you have much ability to do... I wish you to see my poems and comments and your comment will be respected and added to my new book as i am already a poet of 6 books in hand...