I don't know anything...

Not knowing anything -

even though expressing plenty -

out of one's mind pool.

Words fulfill some basic needs

satisfying writer's head.

    Expressing myself

    feels good - it satisfies me

    Eh, what's wrong with it?

    People learned to write and read

    to share and gather knowledge.

Ultimate knowing

means: I know every thing

and better than you.

Finding one's most clever trick

for best self confirmation.

    Progress is based on mind

    without we would live in trees

    searching for our fleas.

    Now we can fly into space

    discovering all places.

Mind's knowledge-flash-light

covers up all one's spaces

finding sense and security.

One feels so good to fly high -

letting drop one's sticky waste.

    We have conquered earth

    there's no place without humans

    we are being's crown!

    Exploring the whole cosmos

    expended without limits!

Plenty of nothing

waiting to be filled with waste

human mind's outlet.

Proud of gathered properties

forced to eliminate bounds.

Expending oneself:

Striving, fighting, conquering

omni existence right now!

Caught in attractive concepts

stuck in one's blown up mindset.

    I am who I am!

    I have grown to my presence

    with all what I am.

    I'm rich in all what I own:

    Mind, emotions and spirit.

    Developed matter:

    I'm a spiritual being!

    Finding my way to:

    Fulfillment in abundance

    when diluted in oneness!

Your precious beliefs

life long established concepts -

give sense of being?

Has served your needs until now

your mind-card-house might crash soon...

    What makes me feel good

    I will expand and get more

    my hard work's lifelong result.

    Nobody will brainwash me

    taking away what's all mine.

You need to let go

of all gathered properties

to reach out for completion. -

Trusting unknown sense in all -

to find the source of all growth.

    Letting go of all -

    falling into nothingness.

    What will happen then?

    Being instant enlightened?

    Transformed into pure spirit?

Don't worry about

nothingness - nonexistence.

Mind's balloon keeps you floating

there's no diving into depth!

Just the image of yourself.

    I'm sure of myself:

    I think, feel, have a body!

    I don't need any more proof.

    Although it makes me feel good

    proofing my existence now.

All speculation!

Mind's endless games with oneself.

What keeps it going?

Moonlight doesn't exist. Right?

All light has ONE source: The SUN.

When knowing nothing

saturated mind has crushed -

light of knowledge starts.

Life's journey has many steps

coming home - finding oneself.

Striving to reach goals

motivated going on -

until illusions fade...

Searching all life long - struggling

turning around nothingness...

    Then - what can I do?

    Not to fall apart from all...

    Probably nothing?

    What about all future plans

    ideas for success - progress?

Possessed by concepts

striving for confirmation

blowing up egos...

Live your life as it shows up -

looking behind worn out games.

Looking with new eyes

find diamonds among stones

lighten up stuck view.

Space of plain emptiness

opens door to fulfillment.


1. Oct. 05

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