Reflections on a rainy day

Although being excited and feeling good

one should remember the many times

when after having had those lightening views

the tough fall down from high but puffy clouds

touching hard ground with softness of one's nose.

Hurting bottom, broken nose - dreams going on.

Flying high might give some kind of over view

combined with staying still on one's firm ground.

Carried away from longing, strong needs

to fill up the missing links within oneself.

Extended arms are reaching out for more

no distance, no dimension will be left out

completing the mosaic of one's own being.

Not knowing what to do or where to go

to find the final puzzle to win the life long game.

Jumping out of joy or falling into numb holes -

the moment comes to reflect on all one's actions

getting tired, sitting down and letting things pass by.

So getting out whatever wants showing up -

but then stepping back and watching near the source.

Although still being excited and feeling good

I want to remember the many times of lessons

when dreams fading away and reality takes over.

Clearing up one's position by relating to all

being hurt but facing own's truth - being oneself.



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