Your prayers for those in the news
are simply a salve for your conscious,
while you watch
feeding the ratings beast,
and sup on the offerings
of those who pimp
the loss and pain of others,
while those suffering
cannot see beyond their grief
or how their nakedness
is being exploited.
You can wish, legislate,
wring your hands,
and whatever else
makes you feel better;
but don't delude yourself
that you can stop Evil.
At best, you will
only make things worse,
through good intentions
and the law of
unintended consequences
that a blind man could see
but a bleeding heart could not.
This still gets me... Hugss
This still gets me... Hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Thank you Dear. I keep thinking I'll come back and maybe rework it when I'm not pissed off, but it seems that's not going to happen on this one ;-) I think Bhudda may have been right, at least on the first two, suffering, & no shortage of ignorance ;-)
"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.
You are so wise, You can't
You are so wise,
You can't stop evil, or profiteering from it, but we sure as hell can try! Profound and real, just the way I like it! Great write hugss SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
That is why...
I do not watch.
I can feel all the pain, sympathy, and regret for a tragedy such as this, without engrossing myself in the media onslaught...
I said this a few years ago in a paper for a class...
"I bet that 70% of Americans can tell you the name of the VA Tech shooter, but can you, without looking it up, tell me who founded the first Mayo Clinic?"
The media knows that people are inherently human, curious, and nosey, especially when it comes to tragedy... It's why everyone passes an accident scene at 12 MPH with emergency crews already on site. So, they, pad their pockets with little regard for anyones affect.
And I finally have proof.... During the Sandy telethon, I heard these words... and now I know the endgame...
"If you are in the area, do not bring people things. What they really need is money. Please call in and make donations. They need that more than anything else right now."
And I thought to myself, seriously? So, if I have, say, 300 cans of food in the trunk of my car....should I send money instead?
Media and people suck...
"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr
Great wisdom. May the people
Great wisdom.
May the people hear your words.
Long days and pleasant nights
that last line is sad but
that last line is sad but true
Much Love
Cliche Counting
I turned it off after I got the details, listened to the names of the victims (personally, I would not want to see my dead child's face on the news), saw the gifts, felt the terror and the horror, wrote a poem and went on with holiday prep. Like the trade towers, like war, like genocide, hangings, and witch burning, not new - "news" is a human response to human desires to know as much as possible, and now the service can be delivered faster with full color interviews for hours and hours. - God help us all - Lady A