At One Point

At one pont

You we're someobdy I loved

Somebody I hung out with

Somebody I talked with and hugged

At one point

You we're my brother

But you got me mad

So it feels like we should be hating eachother

You claimed you didn't like him

That nothin was goin on

Big surprise, I believed you

And now I know I was wrong

You said you hadn't and wouldn't do anything

But you wouldn't promise and that got me pissed

And now I know you did and are doing stuff with her

But hey you didn't promise

So Megan, stop acting like a selfish bitch

Admit that you lied

If you read this and cried

Good I tried

Now Nick I know you didn't promise

But man you'll never see

Or possibly understand

That you stole my friend from me!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  I know you guys lied to me the first time with the thing at Amy's party.  But I found out you guys had been doing shit behind my back for a very long time be 4 it!  WTF!  Brother?  Bestfriend?  No more...

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The guy who writes the poems's picture

I second what Jill said

Megan Podlaski's picture

Paul I know you dont care how I feel or what I say. I know I lied to you and I regret it everyday. The thing I regret most is loosing you as a friend. Im sorry and I know that doesnt matter to you. I know you probly dont believe a word I say but if you want me to leave, fine i will, im just sorry it had to end this way...

cara's picture

sorry i don't know much about it but you must be pissed

Ruby's picture

You know my sentiments on the subject...

The Other's picture

hey, good poem... I don't know what's going on but I hope it gets better

family's picture

ohhhhh...thats some crap..sorry..i hope you feel better..i dont think they should have done all that they have ..or at least not lied about sorry love yah *huggs*

Deathscompanion8's picture

Sorry that you feel like I stole your best friend. And sorry bout being a asshole with the Jill situation before. I told Megan to try to leave you alone for a while. Hopefully you two will end up being friends again. But yeah I got to go sorry bout pissing you off before. But at least I told you the truth about everything dealing with her.


Ruby's picture

Don't be sory, just don't do it...