All I know

It's too damn late

For me to say no

You left me

And thats all I know

It's too damn okward

I really shouldn't care

You didn't mean it in that way

But now I'm just scared

It's too damn bad

I thought we had something

Odviosly you felt different

Now I have nothing

It's too damn serious

Too me at least

I'm always thinking about it

I havn't slept at night for three weeks

It's too damn late

For me to say no

You left me

And thats all I know

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(Not to Jillian)

  Dedicated to someone that if they read this then they'll know its to them.

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Alyssa White's picture

Wow, okay I know for sure that this is to me. Look Paul, I'm so sorry, but I had to do it. I didn't want my bestest friend to disown me. You still mean the same to me, just don't worry about it. You'll find another girl other then me (hopefully she's just like me in the emo way).


Deathscompanion8's picture

I understand this one and I like the beat to it.
