Humanity was a flowering umbel,
connected by a common source.
But, thanks to sin, we have become
merely a ragged jumble
of weeds so withered and course
we deserve Thy odium.
Yet, instead of hatred,
we have incurred
Thy mercy and Thy grace.
You give chase
to the lonely and forlorn soul
with granting salvation
as Your only goal.
Yesm You would erase all our sin,
and make us once again
into a beautifully flowering umbel
if only we would repent.
That is why You sent
Your only begottenn Son to the cross.
You have spared no expense to save the lost
and make us once again
into a beautifully flowering umbel
This was very breath taking.
Keep up the good work.
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo