A soft whisper,


I heard, loudly


and then, I knew you cared.



Your soft, still voice came to me,


and I heard it.  Yes,


I heard, loudly.



Your loving caress


fell upon my heart,


and I heard it.  Yes,



I knew You were there to impart


this mercy and love that soon


fell upon my heart,



Shortly before noon


that blessed Sunday morn.


This mercy and love that soon



had my sin, my guilt, my shame torn


from my shattered little heart,


that blessed Sunday morn.



I suddenly did hear


Your soft whisper,


to my shattered little heart,


and then, I knew you did care.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You can now watch/hear me read this one at:  https://youtube.com/shorts/_SvupCSnUgs

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beautiful work