Living for You
is hard to do,
when I rely
on my own strength
Lord, why oh why
do I often forget
to rely only on You?
Apart from You,
without faith in You,
I am oh so weak.
Lord, hear my prayer,
hear my heart speak
as I call out Your name.
Lord, my faith, please renew.
I once heard that Faith can
I once heard that Faith can be known both in and through the struggle. Dead faith, being dead, does not struggle. I was told that those who struggle the hardest with Faith are often the closest to God. These paradoxes are sometimes hard to believe, but I think they are absolutely true. I have prayed for you this morning, and for your struggle.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
Faith is never easy. I too am
Faith is never easy. I too am struggling with faith
I have prayed for your
I have prayed for your struggle this morning.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]