Mother’s Love

School Poems

Hello mother,
I am here,
Your baby is here.

I hold your cold hand,
And know death is near,
I brush up against your ear,
And whisper…

The worst thing I have ever done.
Please forgive me mother,
I love you so much.

Ten minutes pass by,
And I start to cry.

You are at peace now mother,
This is my goodbye.

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Beavis's picture

Strong emotional content and

Strong emotional content and good form. Keep writing!

Adam아담's picture

Beautiful content and ending.

Beautiful content and ending. I can relate to the middle passage. The poem conveys well your love for your mum... did yours pass away?


PaperCastle's picture

Thank you. Yes the poem is

Thank you. Yes the poem is about the minutes before she passed. I am still new to writing poems, I just started this year.

allets's picture

Death Be Not Proud

Hard to write, a poem about a dying mother. Be at peace, both of you - Allets