i miss you mom

i miss the phone calls

i miss the letters

i miss you so  much mom

why did you have to go

why was it your time

i miss our talks 

i miss the time we had togeather

i wish i could of got to see you 

one more time...

i wish i could of told you i love you

but the hardest part is going to be

the holidays

we would send each other cards...

and we called each other all the time...

i miss you mom 

you taught me how to be strong...

you showed me how to love

you taught me how to be brave....

oh why was it your time to go 

you promised me you would be here..

you told me if i needed you you was going to be 

there... now your gone and im left here with your

memories and the pain that comes when you lose your 

mom or family or friends...

but i wasn't  expecting this not at my age you was saposed to 

be around when i got married and had kids... now i just get to 

tell them about you 

i miss you mom and i love you....

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Whispers_From_The_Mind's picture

Its always so hard to lose

Its always so hard to lose someone but they live on in the heart. I have a couple of poems like this. come check them out. this is a nice poem thanks for sharing

deepinyourdreams's picture

Same comment..."I Know"

Same comment..."I Know"


nightlight1220's picture

The dead live in those whose

The dead live in those whose lives they touch. It is so true. Lovely poem.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


babygirl22's picture

Thank you she Ment the world

Thank you she Ment the world to me I know she's with me 

jessica lynn