melt away


In your arms my world melts away-
Heaven is so close I can reach out and touch it.
This is where I belong and where I long to stay.
I just hoppe this time we can find more-
I don't want to hurt you again
Nor do I want you to walk out the door.
I've known since the start-
My love had a life of its own
That you are a part of my soul and will live in my heart-
We have both walked away just to see the other cry-
I never meant to hurt you though
It just happened, I don't know why.
Maybe this time we can make right the mistakes of yesterday-
This is where I belong,
I love you more than wrds can ever say
I won't hurt you again I won't let go-
You are a part of me, my heart and soul
I just hope you know
You mean the world to me
With you heaven is finally within my reach
And happiness was always meant to be.

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This is a really sweet poem.

This is a really sweet poem. And considering that I am reading everything as if it is to me... It warmed me for a few moments. Sounds like somebody is lucky to have your love.

Copyright © JessterStarshine