Dream a little Dream

Dream a little dream,
Let it carry you home-
Sleep gently upon the clouds,
Forget that sometimes life isn't what it seems.
I know how pain can hurt,
How tears never seem to stop falling once they start.
I've cried many tears too,
Felt the same heartache as you.
But he's not worth the time,
He's not worth the sorrow.
Find a new dream.
In your heart the answers you'll find.
Dream a little dream,
Sleep peacefully upon the clouds.
Forget all the pain he left in your heart.
For love isn't always what it seems.
There's so much love out there to be found,
Don't let your heart die-
Go on with your life,
Forget that once you were his wife.
We were both victims in his little game-
Why does he play with hearts?
Leaves you crying in the end-
And laughs at your pain.
When sorrow holds you close, know I'll always be here.
When nightmares creep in, push them aside
For I'll still be your friend.
Even when love comes to an end,

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this for my ex-husband's wife...  Seems Raven strikes again...

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9inety's picture

Nicely expressed I enjoyed the read.

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot