If I Could've

Nine years ago, an angel came into my life,
So precious and sweet was she,
How I longed to keep her,
But it wasn't meant to  be.
They all said I was too young,
That the best I could do for her was to give her away,
So I did-never realizing it would still haunt me,
Not knowing the sorrow I'd feel each year on her birthday.
Nine years of regret,
Nine years of sorrow,
How my life would have been so different-
If my heart I had chosen to follow.
Would I be the person I am now?
If I'd kept her by my side?
They said it wouldn't hurt forever,
That I'd put this all behind me and go on, but they lied.
Would my life had been happier?
Had I never let her go?
Would my days be filled with joy and love?
Instead of this endless sorrow?
I never watched her take her first step, or speak her fist words,
I wish I could've,
But nine years ago today, I chose to give my angel away,
If I'd listened to my heart instead of everyone else, then I never would've...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about my Daughter that I gave up for adoption

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This poem reveals your intense yearning but perhaps that was the way chosen by the almighty that you had to give away your baby.