




A spirited creature dancing on the wind

Moving to a music of my own

An elusive image


Easy to read

Not so easily understood

A different language similar to your own


A presence unsubstantial, yet potent

Familiarity is but a sense

No memory of yours serves recognition


You only know what you see

But there is so much more than what can be seen

These circumstances do not serve as restraints


You see captivity and think me a slave

I am not chained to this place

But choose to rest here


I know who I am

And that knowing is hidden in an untouchable place

A natural freedom that cannot be captured


Jealous of my freedom

You quiet this dancing flame

But never extinguish its brilliant light


I am a dream of times long gone

A relic lost to its world

I am Aislinn 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My name is Aislinn. I was inspired by the story behind my name. It's a Gaelic name that means vision or dream; supposedly she's a beautiful woman in plight who represents Ireland who appears to poets in dreams. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading my peom!

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GOHIL48's picture

wow. this is so beautiful :)

wow. this is so beautiful :) you don't just read it, you can feel it. i wish to write something like you someday :D

AziVsH's picture


Thanks so much! I'm sure you can write even better:) I'll check out your stuff.

Jesster's picture

I thought this a beautiful

I thought this a beautiful read. And, I LOVE your profile pic! Gonna check out more of your works. I think this is my first read of yours.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

AziVsH's picture


Wow, thanks! I know, I love this picture and it actually looks a little like me, lol. I showed it to someone and they said "gross, her flesh is turned inside out." It's not though; it’s a portrait of a plant person. She’s literally made of flower parts. Hope you're not disappointed by my other stuff:)

Davin's picture


My presence is unsubstantial, yet potent

Familiarity is but a sense

No memory of yours serves recognition



this is awesome.   My mind slows down when i read your writing,   and this is a good thing.    

AziVsH's picture


It's always good to hear that my writing doesn't suck, but is actually pleasant to read, especially when it's from someone other than my mom or a teacher:) Maybe your mind slows down while reading because I write really slowly and there's some residual energy that reveals how much time and energy went into it, lol. No joke though, I write really slowly, it's exhausting.

Beavis's picture


Beautiful & captivating!

AziVsH's picture

Really? Thanks!

Really? Thanks!

Beavis's picture


And your words freed memories of someone I have not thought of in a long time. Thank you! ;-)

AziVsH's picture

Glad you liked it!

No, thank you, and I'm glad you liked it! It made me think of the Faroe Islands (excluding the whale hunting) and some of Jonsi’s music.