I feel like I have failed.
My whole life has amounted to these results.
A building collapsing into a million pieces right before my eyes
An airplane flaking into the emptiness of gravity shattering into pieces
I mean all my dreams, my desires, the fire within my chest
It all has died.
Death surrounds me, the flowers, the grass, my spirit died
The spirit of life has vacated each and every one of my dear possessions
My family, my home is at grieve,
We are all living under the spell of existence
The sad and lonely force of living
My future looks dim, my horizon appears far
My plans, my goals they have all left on the forsaken ship
This pain that never goes away
This pain I can only mask for so long
The love, the friend, my cousin, my father, my mother’s happiness, my life
Where art thou?
Where is the spirit of freedom?
Where is my spirit of love for adventure and discovering?
Where is my vision?
The unknown destinations and random people
I have faith and trust in the unknown
I believe in the dark path where your senses serve to guide the heart
That is the light…
Really great write. "I mean
Really great write.
"I mean all my dreams, my desires, the fire within my chest
It all has died."
Blew me away from there on. That's when i knew this was real and sincere.
When you lose that spirit for adventure, that's when you have to throw yourself into the fire. If you try to crawl out and seek shelter, you have to throw yourself in a little deeper till you start to feel it and you seek not to turn back again.