Voyeurism and Writers Block

Voyeuristic it may be

I scan the prose of all I see

Addicted to drink the works of others worldwide

Until I scribe my own thoughts from inside

I would not steal or plagiarize

My own creations I devise

But the insight I get from the other poets sojourn

Stirs my juices to flourish, from each one I do learn

Prose and poetry, words stop, frustration

We all want to write for our own adulation

So when I lose my way, the brick wall of the scribe

I escape to the pow wow of the world poets tribe

Spinning and yarning of colours unique

I celebrate the grandeur as each one climbs its peak

I am rarely left empty no matter how intense or obscure

Its my dependence and its healthy and deliciously pure

So I thank all the dreamers, the haters and the lovers

The self proclaimed prophets, those who write from beneath the covers

Those who imagine their own death and those who celebrate living

I thank you all. You know not what you are giving

And if you have decended into my world. Feeling the block of the writer

Your wracking your brain and your fingers they draw tighter

Flex your keys to the world and consume many wild inspirations

We share your addiction, now share with us your creation.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

After not having anything spill from my pen for a while I found myself reading others.
Thanks for the INSPIRATION!!!

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Ernest Bevans's picture

Love your poem. Andrew, if it is any consolation;
all poets are Liars and Plagerist and the best
writers are those voyeurs with a touch of dementia.

If you have writers block, do not lament it as cruel
fate, count your blessings Sir and get out while you still can. (aaah - too late) LOL