To The Girl With The Yellow Teeth

Self Love Poems

To the girl with the yellow teeth:
Smile anyway.
Wear that dark lipstick.
Sing loudly in crowded rooms of people.
To the girl with the yellow teeth,
Never stop laughing.
Wide mouth, thin lips, and too much gums.
Watch as others laugh along with you,
Tell you your laugh is infectious.
To the girl who hates her stomach:
Wear that crop top anyway.
Walk around your own apartment
In nothing but leggings and a bra,
Hug it each night,
Tell your stomach it’s beautiful,
Look how the light hits the stretch marks,
I’ve never seen such wonder,
Stand tall anyway,
Listen as others tell you
You make them feel comfortable in their own skin,
Girl, don’t make your stomach uncomfortable in its own skin.
To the girl who hates her past:
Live anyway.
Forgive yourself for it all.
Forgive yourself for the times you didn’t know what to say,
When you said the wrong thing,
For the people you hurt,
The people you allowed to hurt you,
The people who hurt you when you didn’t allow them,
Forgive yourself.
Because girl, at the end of the day,
Your stomach and your teeth will
sometimes be the only ones left to hold you up,
And girl, if you can’t forgive yourself,
Then how will you ever wear that dark lipstick,
With the sequin crop top and black leggings,
And stand under the light of the moon and know that everything will be okay.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first ever love poem to myself.

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S74rw4rd's picture

What an IMPRESSIVE debut on

What an IMPRESSIVE debut on postpoems.  I applaud your achievement here, and welcome you to this wonderful site.


ATreeMakesTheForest's picture

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Jesster's picture

Welcome to pp!!

Welcome. Enjoyed this talk to your own heart. <3

Copyright © JessterStarshine

ATreeMakesTheForest's picture

Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!

allets's picture

I Should

Write a love poem to myself, the first time ever too Welcome to postpoesm - :D 



ATreeMakesTheForest's picture

Thank you! And you should, I

Thank you! And you should, I think all poets need a little help with self-love sometimes. Or maybe that’s just everyone! And it’s become something I say to myself, you know, girl don’t make your stomach feel uncomfortable in it’s own skin.

Thanks again!