I was made to love you
Like every other
I was made with an instinct
Found in a mother
I can see through words
Find the soul
I can fill the spaces
Make you whole
I can love and leave
I know good-bye
I can let you use me
I know how to cry
I can help you
Until you're gone
I can play any game
I'm merely a pawn
I can come and go
By means of everyone
I was made to love you
Until your love is done
far from
they may be drawn to me but i don't use them thye use me
they love me and laern what they need and move on
i don't do it to them they are nto the pawns trust me i am
Much Love
this is so satirical it blows my mind...
'I’m merely a pawn'
you know as well as i do that they (everyone) are drawn to you. you are not only not a pawn, but they are the pawns to you. (i suppose i should consider myself in the they category, don't you think?)
What a romantic thought, I WAS MADE TO LOVE YOU this line is not at all like you...I like it though, you could draw a lot more poetry from this feeling.Goo job I be proud of you.