Catacombs of love



Not a thousand million words could tell how I feel for you
Morbid rivers of blood all shattered and painted blue
Not an echo in the sky could hide my anguished cry
Peroxide burns the wounds like love burns the air
Cobbles of cold stone are slowly learning to care
Digging much deeper then ever dared before
A billion empty rooms behind a single door
No linens or beds to mask the vacant truths
No ransom behind all of life's proofs
A river that runs from one me too you
Has split by the day to run through and through
Where a million starving children are starving for the air
While evil men rape and strip them completely bare
Used and abused and maybe just killed
Filling the pages so perfectly quilled
Dying in the innocence and living in no now
All my life spinning and making sense somehow
Words spilling through the corn field
My walls are made to yield
My ear drums beating my eyes flying open
Evils unimaginable even to the minds of Tolken
Softly as I stir slowly as I purr
I float my soul above the sea, with a little push and shove
I fall into your catacombs,catacombs of love



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poetvg's picture

beautiful piece

Jere''s picture

In my opinion, after reading poetry for 28 years, I think you ought to be proud of all the lines. This is a magnificent poem, and the final two are a tremendously beautiful conclusion, but the whole poem simply resonates with beauty throughout.
I applaud your talent.

nicole burgess's picture

Wow hon!
This is one of the best poems that i have ever seen you write.Who is this about??!WOOOOOOOOOOOW!

ME's picture

no one who cares
