"Eternal Winter"

For All My Exes

The cold drifts through my

  open window,

so I shut it.

But the cold still manages

  to creep into my

Cozy quarters and pervade

My personal space

With its stinging chill.

I put on warmer clothes.

It doesn't help.

Nothing does.

God, it's so cold in here.

I see my breath

  fog up my mirror,

and it reminds me that

I need a cigarette.

So I light one up.

Since you've been gone,

I've been so very cold, (always),

But how can I escape

From the clutches of this

Eternal winter,

When it's been

This way since you've left?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Brandon W.

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Gwen Samuels's picture

I will admit, i like this poem very much, its short yet seemingly descriptive. very nice :)

Ninay Escover's picture

its a good poem. maybe because i can somehow relate to it.