
find it hard to leave your side-

Your smile is light, I love your eyes.

I find my thoughts so hard to hide-

Your golden laugh, a sweet surprise.

All my dreams are those of you-

My hopes as well, my feelings too.

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Jessica Goodrich's picture

This is sweet. Great poem!Jessica

Carla Mobley's picture

I don't think this is an addiction unless it is harmful to you! Maybe, this is lust or love??? Whatever it is it sounds SWEET.

Stepf S's picture

that's amazing that you said so much in so few lines. i like this poem alot. great job. it's really beautiful. [~*stepf s.

Stepf S's picture

that's amazing that you said so much in so few lines. i like this poem alot. great job. it's really beautiful. [~*stepf s.