Not Forever

One glance was all it took,

The sweet innocent face,

The solid willful look.

Your stare melted my heart,

Your touch soothed my soul,

I knew from then I did not want to part.

I wished for you to hold me tight,

To keep me safe,

All through the night.

When the chance of a lifetime came,

I took advantage fast and quick,

But I cared so much it drove me insane.

I thought it would take just one kiss,

You knew I'd give anything,

But it was me you did not miss.

So I try to hold on to days in the past,

And let go of the hurt,

For I have discovered that true love doesn't always last.

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Laurie  Lane's picture

Sad again. But I must disagree true love never dies. You learn to function without them but your heart always remembers.