
She was like her mom

and you'll be like her

its really so terrible

how bad this does hurt

So run run as

fast as you can

don't be like her

she screwed up again and again

He fucked with her

he played her mind

he left her pregnant

no sympathy could she find

She took the bottle

in her open hand

down went the pills

where was this wonderful man?

They almost died

she never did care

this baby was trouble

home she ran in dispear

She waited it out

and then she ran

both east and north

in search of her man

Her Papa raised her

her Nana hated the whiner

she drank to calm herself

leave the bad life behind her

Four years had went by

the baby was a beautiful little girl

her mom came to get her

away from her world in a whirl

She made all these promises

to her little baby girl she missed

she would make it all different

she promised never to raise her fist

But then the beer took over her

she was to be just like her mom

this baby girls future was inclined

to explode like a bomb

She grew up so quick

her childhood she missed

who knew her world would spirl

downward from just her first kiss

From that moment on  

she was caught on the hook

she needed the love

she thought a few kisses was all it took

But that grew old fast

and she looked for more

but that little baby girl

was suddenly a whore

She went to this party

and she got really drunk

he took the girl to the attack

next to an old clothes trunk

He took off her clothes

and she said no

the rest was a blur

but this she does know

She woke up the next morning

bloody and scared

the little baby girl got what was coming to her

as far as anyone cared

She made the same mistakes

over and over

her whole damn life

flashed right before her

She vowed to find love

no matter what it took

it seemed she was with all the towns jerks

this little baby girl was hooked

She gave them what they wanted

and they came and they took

this girl needed love

not a little black book!

Everytime she settled down

the guy would split

would these crumbled pieces

of life ever fit?

She wound up pregnant

just like her mom

it all exploded

BOOM went the bomb!

All she did was cry

scream and pout

she needed an answer

an easy way out

She cut her leg

and then her arm

who knew this baby could

cause so much harm

She wanted to have it

to feel all this love

was it wrong to deny life

from a gift from above?

Would the circle continue

would she be like the rest

would the baby grow up

such a terrible mess?

But she decided this one thing

she finally will learn

love isn't worth it

if you crash and burn

She's not gonna search

and she not gonna cry

love will find her

and then it will fly

Beyond the stars

and past the moon

her love will sing

its beautiful tune

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem about the situations taht are going on with me right now.  Sometimes poetry is an outlet for me to get my emotions out.

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chick20a00dee's picture

This is a sad poem, put into great words! I'm sorry that this might be like your life, I wish I could help! I just hope you don't do anything to yourself that you will regret and hey, if you need a friend, email me(!! I'm so sorry! I know it will get better just wait and see!! AAA+++

pudnsis1's picture

This is well presented. Many a similar poems I would write in my book years ago. That book was my life and someone stole it and all I have is a glimmer if a phrase or two every now and then, so to read something as beautiful as this... all I can say is thank you. Linda

Renee`'s picture

I really loved this poem. Its sad! I almost cried!