She Has Finally Come Out

"To get money, I take a vacuum cleaner and vacuum myself for my husband's business friends, yes and they too inflate me, using a cycle pump. I put the tube into my vagina and then they inflate me." --Anaïs Nin

"...It was a garage where people parked their cars and had work done on their cars, mechanical work. Then Anais Nin said: Oh, I know this garage very well, I have sex with all the men there and they pay me very well for it." --Lila Rosenblum

She has finally come out

Of her sexual closet,

As she admitted her preference

For both men and women --

It took her long enough

But she's done it --

Announced it once and for all

That she likes the taste and

Smell of another woman,

That no man can truly satisfy her

Like her secret lover --

Another Anaïs Nin incarnate --

And I, being a fool in all this,

Feel strangely relieved,

For somehow I felt inadequate

As a male, unable to completely

Satisfy her animal passions --

But now I know that there is

One thing I lack that she craved

All along - a soft breast to pinch on

And suck on, and the moist throbbing

Center between the legs...

No, my sexual apparatus is quite

Crude and can never replace her

Sex toys or the ecstasy of sharing

Her female lover, who instinctively

Understands her changing moods

And female nuances

Better than any gay guy

Or her effeminate boy toy --

For no one had ever made her

Climax like her girlfriend,

As they writhed and trembled

Inside the sheets of ecstasy

And guilty pleasure --

And I. Well, I was a just a curiosity

Left with my tail between my legs,

Knowing that it was not what she

Really wanted. Because I wanted

Just to get to know her better

Before we did the dirty thing...

But she just wanted to surrender

To her unbridled female passions

And make me scream with desire.

While all I wanted was just

A little companionship.

           September 18,2006

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I am loathe to admit that I have experienced a somewhat similar situation.
