A hearbeat
A small one
The tiniest hint
That life did exist
There! If you look closely
You see a hand or two
Maybe a foot and toes
So tiny and cute
It felt like slow minutes
Like my world had stopped
A mother ashamed
A baby lost
I had all the names picked out for you
The room had been remade
To match with you, an angel
But heaven took you away
The pain is indescribable
When they took you out
They ripped you from my body
I'm humiliated by my shouts
I know God planned it for a reason
But why would it be you?
You were just an angel
You had my heart with you
You will always be my baby
Whether you are an Annetta
Or a baby Natanaele.
You are my baby
And I love you
But I wish that I could tell it to you.
Poems like these bring out my inner most Compasion for people.
~ Similar to what some people had commented:
- God does things for a reason
- God has a different plan for the baby and your life
and you just have to trust and lean on God to help you through your lost.
I can't say feel your pain because I have not been through that before BUT I can/will say that my heart goes out to you.
This was a sad poem but is a good one. - It has a story to tell..in many ways--
God had a plan for your child
God had a plan for your child .. My thoughts and prayers for you that yo u may get through such a hard time . It is hard to deal with soemthing that was a part of yu to be taken away I know it is tthe hardest thing for a woman to deal with to understand .
you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......
Talking To The Dead
The poem is you talking to the characters in the drama that was a part of your life and always will be memory fresh - to share intimate truths is courageous and I hope cleansing. - Lady A