please stop dancing on my grave, prester john


when that church van speeds by me in a construction zone
doing 70 in a 45
is Ceasar getting what is his?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i cut out the rest and will update it as soon as i rework it, but i wanted to keep that title up

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Lyra Mayme's picture

I like this poem alot. I don't have much to say beyond what has already been said, but again, I really like the title. I often have trouble with titles, and really appreciate good ones. It works well short. You don't need to add anything, because there is nothing else to say. Excellent.

J-9thxciv's picture

Bravo. The brilliance of this poems reminds me of two great poets---Wallace Stevens, for the title; and JV Cunningham, for the compression. But neither of them having anything to compare with this exquisite poem!

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]