She is the princess of countless man ganders,
walking to introduce herself, an exalted presence
perambulating with poise around a mind castle. One
can tell by her incredible beauty, that this woman
would be your own relentless seduction burned
to defeat. Firebrick hair, the empress of its own
combed, lavish kingdom; a thousand brush stokes
more priceless than the finest oil paintings
by Renaissance masters. Stunning tresses waltzing
on her teasing shoulders repetitively hugging
incredible smiles and indulgent, rubicund skin.
Tandem stares by a roomful of cavaliers
were insatiably tense, jitters bundled by first look
at deep chartreuse sparkles from her confident
eyes, a warning to lionhearted knights their King may
be dethroned. A lady so beguile ravishing that she will
never be controlled, as wishful suitors dream
of smelling orchids and eating her luscious oyster,
a thought so fake in comparison to the actual
pearls birthed in her own juices, like those hung
around her supple neck, after spraying in private…
a diminutive mist from her gifted, French perfume.
Her skin, softer than cosseted baby fur on Himalayan
kittens, complete with purr conciliatory cuddles
that are reserved for the opulence of fantasy dreams,
thinking you could be one of her bed me down
suitors, with your sovereign face buried in a fortune
of cleavage; royalty breasts that would have most
men spotting their night shirts if they could see
them outside her maiden gown. Stacks probably more
at home in paradise, suckled by angels kissing them
in a muse, contemplating what most mortals will never
have - a fortuitous chance to be her only lover.
This woman’s body is still the little girl foreplay
driving men mad. A rhapsodized phallic jealousy,
that prays for a peek at the ruffles beneath her silk
and satin dress. Legs long, stretching upwards
to a festooned zenith, one can only imagine sits
on a velvet throne between her thighs. Envision
perversions men ruminate, sneaking off to sniff
seats where she sits or eliminates? Deviant men that
crave badly, as she becomes their perpetual
infatuation, rapture in excess; a fixed allure, cured
only by the cream in the palms of their own hands.
When naked one imagines this Siren becoming
her own Tyche, Goddess of fortune and fate. Loving
like Aphrodite and pleasing like Graces; Aglaja, Thalia,
and Euphrosyne ruling every banquet, ballroom dance,
social engagement and the exuberance of bards -
who elevate her to a work of art. These are runaway
yearnings you cannot physically touch, thoughts
of her become boundless, sedulous with anxiety as you
ponder – what if? Added to your trepidations
and fear, the sheer reality that you may not satisfy
her abysses and she may uncork yet another man.
Still, this is the paramour moon face of a female
monarch, radiating an aura of precious belladonna,
your thoughts spoon into mesmerizing shapes, inhaling
flowers blooming in her meadow; beads of wetness
surrounding her spring rain orifice, rolling over moans
that spread her imperial extensions, wings far more
delicate than the Pearl Crescent Butterfly, locking one
into nirvana, submerging you in the briny oceans,
surrounding an idyllic island, floating into a rhythmic
thrust that withdraws like the tides, only to ride back
in again; blissful as music sung by doting Dolphins.
Men would gamble life to discharge their milky sperm
collage across her cervix gates. This is the woman
you want to be the mother of your children, your own
mother combined into your life’s mural. Progenies to
remind you that you were once standing at attention
outside her rotisserie doors. Reminiscence that makes
magic touch itself, because when caressing this lady
you also feel caressed, when kissing this lady you feel
kissed, when probing her, you feel probed; yes,
she is beautiful to look at, lovely to behold, because
what you spy is the feminine half of your own soul.
It's epic and beautiful. You do have a way with words, Sir.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Well, I am not sure this is
Well, I am not sure this is epic, but I do so value your opinions, considerations, and trusting advice. Thank you.
Well, I don't really know
Well, I don't really know what constitutes epic,so... Anyway I did enjoy the read.
Copyright © JessterStarshine