im just watching you breath
for the very last time
im just watching you leave
its distant, like mime.
its all rushing by
memories we had
the thought makes me sigh
life without you. mad.
i ty hard to focus
the paain starts to creep by
eating happiness like swarming locus
i reach out for you
stretch my fingers to touch you
for the VERY last time
but im just stood there
watching you breath for the very last time.
Another stunner
you write so plainly its wonderful, it is as it is, each word is in its place and it flows like a river searching the sea. Awesome stuff kidder.
this is not the end, this is not the begining of the end, this is merely the end of the begining.
thank you, im a quiet person, my personality is only really seen in my writting and art, also i havent been called kidder in a few years!:L