
Slowly, as the memories fade,

Light does harness no more power

'gainst the reaches of the shade

and darkness, stead'ly, ceases to cower.

Now, feel the cold--its coming home;

You've been told to leave it alone

Into darkness falls the light-

Into sadness falls our hope.

You have managed quite a blight;

Now with despair you must cope...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Aha...Written long ago in my morbid phase...

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bluestar's picture

again, the sun....

Megan Sassenrath's picture

wow you write so beautifully... i love this, the first four lines are my favorite part.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

Maybe one day we can enjoy a happy sunset or pome about a sunset. The sunset are loving and the night creatures... well.. we don't bite .. hard...