It is my description of writers, poets, dreamers, artists.
Persons that dance the dance of eternity in and out of different planes of existence.
Our third eyes seem blind to the rest of you or is it just that they appear to be that way.
In reality your soul calls to ours in a time when you need a heart that is open and someone of strong faith.
Our eyes see deeper than souls for we are the ancient wisdom holders that more often than not are bound by society’s rules when we want to be the child who dances naked under the full moon enjoying the freedoms of life.
However many times we go locked into a dungeon of our own design, too drugged up to be the person that we are. No you can’t have visions, no you can’t be that, no you can’t feel others pain, it’s just not natural. Excuse me I didn’t get the memo about ignoring my Native American inheritance and birthright to the calling I accepted and live by.
Love is no longer something to be chased but something to be cherished, treasured, and revered. You see like most that are like me, not just the ancestry brought me to this place. I was brought here for a purpose living to die but knowing everyday I am one that is chosen to see deeper than souls.
This piece really speaks to me, I totally understand this piece. I find that a lot of people are afarid to see what's covered up and then A person like us goes and stirs that up in them to look and see and hear. Then they seem to look at us like we are crazy. I also have indian in my blood and my Grandmother who was pure indain, I really took alot after her. I was never taught in the spiritual by anybody physically and i feel that I was being taught in my spirituality in the spirit. This was a great piece.
absolutely excellent piece,I love it.It's full of truth and heart and touches the literal soul!