I enjoy your calm teachings,

Quiet waterfall, hopeful blessings,

you teach your lessons.

Lover, partner, friend.

Intuition strong, passion pure.

Taking my heart in your hand.

You said the words first,

words I said I could never say to anyone ever again.

I love you.

Touching my soul by just being.

Ever trusting, ever loving, ever caring.

My answer to your question.

Yes, I will marry you,

but yes I do need that years time.

To love and be in love.

I don't want to miss a moment.

Within your quiet teachings you've opened

my eyes to see that sometimes you have to go through the pain

to see the beauty.

I have never met someone more humble, yet strong.

Strong enough to accept my strengths and my weaknesses.

You love me without being controlling, without making me

right or making me wrong.  You like me for me as I like you for you.

You show me simple things.

Quiet walks, holding hands,

smiling, touching, holding.

You risked so much for me, knowing at one time

not long ago my heart belonged to another.

My first love, the father of my unborn child.

Yet in the sweetest sincere of moments

you gave your all to me as you asked me to give my all to you,

but you were willing to wait for me.

I often times wonder why now in my life I have been blessed with such a giving person, and if I truly deserve this happiness.

One day at a time.

Time's finger turns the page,

til death do us part, to the next hundred years.

With Hope and Love.

View ladylynn's Full Portfolio
Afzal Shauq's picture

its really a good and inspiring poem with rich it and went through your more poems your poetry.. I am basicall a peace wisher poet with few books publsihed and my poems are..hope they may touch your heart and let me know they??? let me share one of my famous say with you...( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq )

stacy yarnell's picture

Lynn, your works are beautiful. The one thing I am forever greatful to you for, is that you brought me to this web site. I started writing again...and yeah, I think internally, "I noticed". Yet, I never admitted something to myself, a house I had built long ago caved in. Oh, you didn't do a thing, just made me remember what I should have had long ago...then when I started to notice it slowly leaving my grasp...I wanted to keep is so bad. I didn't want to hurt like I had as a child again. I came across something that hurt so bad in me I hadn't spoke it's name, not even to myself. I didn't even see it there. I'm sorry for the pain I caused, I hope you do forgive me. But for this website and what I have learned about myself, while we were is immeasurable. And the begining of some true honest change...I have to make. It all goes back before my sister was even born, the underlying hurt between me and my much. Thank-you for showing me this. Even though it hurts to read some of your poetry, I know who you had in mind on a couple, I do love the one about "a teacher" and hope that teacher can be worthy of that kind of title again.

Hope Denied's picture

Oooooh Girl!!!!
I dislike reading sappy love poems...
But what you have written here is a TRUE POEM OF LOVE!
This is so deep.... The sincerity and beauty...
I wish I might write the way you do...