I am a friend of brokenhearted children.
Ones whose small bodies and frail forms
Have borne punches, slaps, burns, and bruises.
Whose ears have been set aflame with screaming and curses.
Or boxed by being compared with feces.
Whose hearts have been pierced like a bull in the ring
Bleeding tears on the inside.
Their shoulders hunch, their chins are peperpendicular to the floor.
I gently take the hand
I speak softly and clearly
I may not be considered to be special by most
But I want to tell you that I think that YOU
are not those terrible things you have been told.
You are wonderful.
You matter to someone.
You are capable of good.
You are allowed to have feelings.
I am a friend of brokenhearted children.
Powerful and heart felt..
beautiful and sorrowful
profoundly thought provoking.....
Metro! Lovely heartwarming
Metro! Lovely heartwarming write! Hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."