








Why does silence frighten you?

One cannot listen to noise all the time.

Silence can be very cleansing.

It's good to hear silence.

Leave the cacophony behind.

Even silence your thoughts.

They will only disturb your tranquility.

Listening to silence is a nap for the mind.

Give it a rest sometime, it grows weary.
















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Beatnik1979's picture


people  think silent moments are awkward and try to avoid them by spewing forth any type of random drivel as filler, even at the almost certain expense of compromising the moment into a dismal down in flames sort of awkward one can only achieve through failing to appreciate the mutual comfort of silence. Im sure there is a more clinical name to identify the above mentioned...but we will leave that to the experts. I love this poem..Well done

allets's picture

The Zen Approach

to noise. The mind can scream and weep and rant and yes there is a place to go where silence lives. We would all do well to visit more often for a "nap for the mind" - well sculpted piece - enjoyed - Lady A