The Love of My Life

All of this time I thought I was alone in this world

With nothing or no one to love me for me

But when I realized that you were the one always there making me laugh and smile

It clicked; you are the man of my dreams and always have been

I feel in love with the little boy I grew up with

The little boy who thought he was a dare-devil

But now that little boy is a man and I love him even more

Every day that I think of you, see you, or with you I fall deeper than before

You are the one for me, the couragest boy who I love 

I love you so much, my little Dare-Devil

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a.griffiths57's picture

    What an endearing poem



What an endearing poem about your dare devil love. Hope you find lots of happiness together.

AngelofDarkness's picture

Thank you

Thank you for your feed back it's inspiring, i hope we do to.

Angel of Darkness