The Bull And The Little Girl

I See

There was a little girl
Who lived on a farm
She loved to play in the pasture

But everyone told her
You cannot play in the pasture
There is a bull in there.

She thought a bull, but why would he hurt me?
Im not big enough to do anything to him
They told her also, do not wear red

She wondered why? what did red do to a bull
It was big and strong
So she forgot about the pasture and red.

Then one day she just walked in the pasture
Not watching or looking where she was going
Then she saw a bull running at her.

She thought so this is the bad bull
She didn't move, didn't cry, had no fear
The bull kept coming, but then

The bull saw this tiny thing
It was not running or crying, it had no fear
What to do? He couldn't harm a tiny thing

He stopped, looked her over
As she did him
The bull went up to her and looked her in the eye.

She did not move, no tears, no fears
Why he wondered?
i am big she is supposed to fear me.

So he turned away to see what she would do
When he looked back
She had turned away from him to.

So he walked away from her
Left her there
When he looked back, she had walked away from him.

He turned around and came back
She stood there and watched
Then she came back

He didn't know what to do
So he ran as fast as he could go
He looked back, she was running to.

He liked her, he wanted to play
He looked at her again
She thought the same thing. She wanted to play.

He came and stood in front of her
Looked her in the eye, she did the same
Then she took his head and kissed him.

He stood there and she was grinning
It looked like he was to
She got on her toes and whispered in his ear.

Guess what, I want to be your friend, to
He nodded his head
Then she looked around and said, ok friend

He turned to go
Just to see what she would do, he shook his tail at her
He looked back, She was shaking her tail at him.

He turned to go again
Looked back and let a big one out
She looked at him and laughed. Then she said you stink.

He came back and stood in front of her
He didn't want to leave
She let one and said Oh No, I farted.

Then she looked around and said
Oh No, Im not supposed to say that
But I farted, and she laughed.

The bull looked at her and thought
For one so tiny, she stinks
Then he thought, she farted. He felt like laughing.

From then on, every day
You would see the bull and the girl
Always playing together.

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