The whole universe conspires against me
It blinds me to where I cannot see
It suffocates me to where I cannot breathe
It tortures me until I bleed
When does the pain end
And living begin
I am at the end of my rope
I have finally lost hope
I found the girl of my dreams
how perfect it seemed
Then everything fell through
It can't be fixed no matter what I do
This life has left me beaten
I am finding it hard to keep breathing
Every step I make is wrong
It's like I am singing a different song
Than the rest of the world
The evil sin
But somehow they win
The good can't keep pace
I am losing its embrace
I am falling into madness
All I feel is depression and sadness
When does it get better
My heart was was once like a feather
Now it's a one million pound weight
Filled with nothing but despair and hate
It's sad that I'm young
And I have all ready rung
The final round bell
I need to be saved from this burning hell
Its towers of agony
Seem to have trapped me
And I cant find the exit
In the corner I sit
Praying for more than a sign
I need what is rightfully mine
My dreams to come true.
This is an awesome poem! Feel
This is an awesome poem! Feel better, this is amazing! Cheers SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
I have hit with so much stuff that it will be a while before i feel better.
Man I feel ya there aren't
Man I feel ya there aren't enough hours to even explain the issues I face, but breathe a little deeper and don't forget to enjoy the things worth enjoying even sitting on a bench in the park. We must always make an effort to really be present in our lives especially when separating the good from the bad a time and place for everything only we have to make the time and go to the place. :) we all suffer in the end the trick is how much joy you can sqeeze in between tragedies ;) have a better year hugs SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Full of longing...
Love the emotions right on the surface. The semicolons got tiresome, though; if you're going to use one after every line, then they aren't needed. I would take them out altogether. Other than that, a lovely piece.
Thanks. I got rid of the semi-colons too.