I am so weak Lord, who shall I turn to?
I am so scared, im worried, and I have no answers.
I have no one, who shall I tell this to?
I am so worn out Lord,
I feel so hopeless, who shall lift me up?
who shall encourage me?
I am so lonely Lord, who shall comfort me?
I am wounded and scarred, who shall heal me?
I just need to be put back together again,
to be my old self again.
I have stumbled and fell, and been hurt and scarred...
I am crying at the top of my voice, but no one seems able to hear my cry.
Maybe they do hear my cry...
am i not of value enough to stop and take notice?
Like a broken car, part after part is falling out of place,
jamming to function, but i seem to be of much less value for anyone to take notice and try to fix.
I have asked for help, oh yes I have too many times,
is my voice too low that you can not hear me,
my language too primitive that you can not understand?
are my demands 'too much' that you can not meet?
But when i look around...their demands are not 'too much', they have shoulders to lean on, people who pick them up...
Lord, please remember me, I am here, waiting on you!
Comment on 'Who shall I.....'
It looks as if you have written this poem in a depressed state of mind. If God cannot hear, who else can? If God cannot heal you, who else can? Don't turn to anyone else except God for he has the power to help you.
It reminds me of the song:
Take my hand precious Lord,
Hold me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak,
Through the night,
Through the stars...