Together at Last

take a walk to clear your head, I know it's full of smog but find refuge on the lakes shore. Let a siren drag you under till your lungs fill with a sweet sharpness. Join me in my grave beneath the sand, there we shall stay. Come with me dear I will never let you go. My icy hand will clench yours. But if you must leave I will alway be there waiting for you to come back.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is for anyone who had ever turned to drugs and not known how to get out 

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Very eerie

This poem is very much like a ghost story.  Its compression (always a sign of classic talent) implies a great deal more background than meets the reader's eye, and that adds to the overall emotional effect.  I am very impressed by this.  I wish I had been able to write like this when I was your age.

J-9thxciv [ J 9th 94 ]