It seems that we are under a curse from some crone with a cauldron or a wizened warlock casting die made from burned bird eyes. Wickedness, says the warped priest, illogic from the philosopher, nature is the scientist's verdict, time says the historian. Well, I'm with Stevie Wonder on this one, superstition ain't the way
Whatever the causes, it seems that we are experiencng .
It seems that we are under a curse from some crone with a cauldron or a wizened warlock casting die made from burned bird eyes. Wickedness, says the warped priest, illogic from the philosopher, nature is the scientist's verdict, time says the historian. Well, I'm with Stevie Wonder on this one, superstition ain't the way
Whatever the causes, it seems that we are experiencng disasters closer together on this contemporary timeline. You know the list of tragedies; may be a part of them, or a survivor of this wave of bad tidings. Nurses and care givers are giving up for mental health deterioration. Too many deaths. Employees went for higher pay and gen Z is learning what a 60 hour pay week feels like.
Crash but don't burn, collect the ego-shards, accept we are all in the same hole-plagued boat, add glue and get to looking futureward. We are stuck for good reason, yet some new bright thing is beckoning from the horizon. It better, otherwise this is hell and more demons are about to show.
No more demons, pleeeeeze! Somebody, some Valkrie, some hero, tip over the cauldron, reverse the die-spell and give the eagle back its eyes.
We need a break, a happy announcement like a cure for ten kinds of cancer...SOMETHING BIG AND WORLD-WIDE GREAT LIKE A CURE FOR DELTA AND ALL HER GREEK SIBLINGS!
Ranting is a good sign of excellent mind health. Rage escapes the brain and is not turned inward. Living is the most important thing, so inhale!
Think futuresque thoughts, melt the cobwebbed past, and pause now: rushing may be overrated for approximately 65% of us. What is shaped by us, what is created, what is to happen next cleanses the mood.
Live. Just live. A lot of us are not going to be here tomorrow.
disasters closer together on this contemporary timeline. You know the list of tragedies; may be a part of them, or a survivor of this wave of bad tidings. Nurses and care givers are giving up for mental health deterioration. Too many deaths. Employees went for higher pay and gen Z is learning what a 60 hour pay week feels like.
Crash but don't burn, collect the ego-shards, accept we are all in the same hole-plagued boat, add glue and get to looking futureward. We are stuck for good reason, yet some new bright thing is beckoning from the horizon. It better, otherwise this is hell and more demons are about to show.
No more demons, pleeeeeze! Somebody, some Valkrie, some hero, tip over the cauldron, reverse the die-spell and give the eagle back its eyes.
We need a break, a happy announcement like a cure for ten kinds of cancer...SOMETHING BIG AND WORLD-WIDE GREAT LIKE A CURE FOR DELTA AND ALL HER GREEK SIBLINGS!
Ranting is a good sign of excellent mind health. Rage escapes the brain and is not turned inward. Living is the most important thing, so inhale!
Think futuresque thoughts, melt the cobwebbed past, and pause now: rushing may be overrated for approximately 65% of us. What is shaped by us, what is created, what is to happen next cleanses the mood.
Live. Just live. A lot of us are not going to be here tomorrow.
Very Real!
This metaphoric rant is extremely real.
If only rainbows and butterflies would mix into the cauldron it would be an easier fix of "the hell" we are currently living in.
If only it was a hex it would be easier to process then the not knowing of how and why we are in unexplainable chaos.
Very beautiful piece and deep description depicting the world and how you feel!
for the read and comment. Historians will explain this. My theory? High empire peaking. Oligarchies replaced Republics, descendance does not equal a failed state, rather an anti-sharing of resources state. Best topical example: vaccine distribution.
I wish I could change the
I wish I could change the tides. 'Merica is collapsing into its own footprint.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
A tree growing phototropically toward a sun about to rise. "good people" are riled up and challenging evil and the unethical. I think the SCOTUS is going to surprise us. Abortions yes, vaccines no - personal freedom will triumph. Good luck is the phrase we have lost and must find. The battle is against the climate, not each other.