14 Dead Before Christmas 2015





Please pray (or offer a few minutes of meditation) for the survivors of the 14 confirmed dead during the storms that swept the U.S. Southwest in 2015. Many are injured, making the holidays a sad occasion for their loved ones. We count our blessings for the New Year, pray for peace at Christmas, and celebrate new births. I feel badly for the children's parents, the parent's children who had their beloveds die just before Christmas. Take a moment and acknowledge that they are gone and will not make contribution to the future of the world, that their gifts and talents will not bless someone somewhere ever again. I did not know them, but I miss them all the same.  


Lady A




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sweetwater's picture

Heartbreaking Christmas

Heartbreaking Christmas events both there and here in the north, thankfully as far as I know nobody has died here, so that at least is something to be grateful for. Feel so terribly sad for all those suffering for whatever reason, it seems so much worse at Christmas when so many are celebrating and their own world is falling apart. Sending best wishes for a happy year ahead for you and your loved ones. Sue.

allets's picture

Rejoice For The Living in 2016

We survive to tell what we know

then and before then, now and soon.

We survive and rejoice from front rows

of breathing and moving. It is all

we have and all we are going to have.


Come spring, come winter, no matter

of weather, or season. We survived spill

and crush, lightening's bolts from

multiple sources. We live. That is all

I know.


Stella L. Crews





SSmoothie's picture

We've lost people here too to

We've lost people here too to floods :( and many more to motor vehicle accidents stay safe, pray for those families who need comfort and hope so badly right now xo

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

Fear Death By Water

So many leaving us. Sadness is not enough. I wish blessings for all surviors - Stella