My blood is black and so exquisitely
ebony that ravens blink on approach.
My life is so exqusitely wonderful
and safe that I can sit back and dare
the devil to be devilish elsewhere. We
are busy over here.
My blood is so black that black
is thinking about changing its name
to something less dark and meaningful.
The soul has it's business. But black
blood flows like rivers to oceans
to evaporate into black rain
to fall on the black earth and bless
the soil with black adoration.
Lady A
dare the devil to be devilish elsewhere!
fuck I love this line!" my blood is so black that black is thinking of chnaging its name to soemthing less dark and meaningful"
loved it!
by the are miss an l in black second last line!
Much Love
Thanks for the "L"
I read it three times and had to do a letter by letter. it kept disappearing. Good eye! You know I appreciate a misspelling corrected - going blind - got it! - Just Bein' Lady A
<3 any time
Much Love
So Much For Not Writing Poetry
..this year. It began to hurt. Four more months to go - Nov. Dec, Jan and Feb 21, 2015! Until then - zip, of course I wrote one today in somebody's comment - I'm so bad at this. But no marathons, and lots of rest from verse. - I sent this one out to be published. - Just Bein' Lady A
just write!
you are a writer! writer's write, not writing is bad for a writer's soul
Much Love
Not To Write Poetry RWR!
Well, mostly not to write poetry for a year. It was a tough one, keeping the fingers away from verse. I commented a blue steak, prosed until I couldn't think of more to say - covered poetry writing, fear, maybe I can reconstruct the lost elemental. Not quite verse, mostly prose sorta. :D - Feb 21st. I needed the rest. My brain is happy - I'm Just Sayin' Lady A
I don't think I could take a
I don't think I could take a break from writing...
Much Love
Break From Poetry Only
I write daily, novels are coming along. Clean out my closet and found disks I have been looking for. I read and comment, and then there is the prose. And PM's with the poets - just not too much on the poetry is all, for a while longer. - Lady A