Woman With Zits

Invisible Poetry


Dear person of interest, you
have memorized your statistics
your life entire so it should come
as no surprise that your birth date
is wrong and you are actually
ten years younger. You are no
longer eligible for retirement
and must work until you are
actually sixty five.


Dear lady with zits and no address,
it should come as no surprise that you
should have lived in the finest house
in the best neighborhood in the
greatest nation on earth for the past
ten years. Your letter regarding
your inheritance was lost in the
mails. Your eviction notice is attached.


Dear Mr. Smith, your wife has contacted
us and we wish to inform you that
you have a son who is running for President
of the United States. Unfortunately, he
does not know you and asks that you
not contact him for political reasons.


Dear reader, the above fictions could
be true somewhere in some other
universe, along some alien timeline
so please disregard this notification as
we are not responsible for any contents

existing within this time space continuum.


Thank you for your cooperation,
the Magician of Mischief, the keeper
of the flame of hope and loss, the
sergeant of mayhem or distrust,
malfeasance, and general chaos.
If you are reading this now, you are
wasting time. Please desist immediately
or lose IQ points geometrically.


Lady A





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just 4 Fun ~A~

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Jesster's picture

Aw man!! My IQ just dropped!

Aw man!! My IQ just dropped! :/

Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture


..,.ha, ha, and ha, ha, ha. Dear Poet:... - (Lady) A"~c~u~t~e~"@ppdotorgslashuser I.Q. = intellectually quallfied (only to be delimitied for pure joy and fun!)



Jesster's picture

my IQ was so low, I had to

my IQ was so low, I had to work really really hard to decipher your comment. : /

Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture

Was Drinking JWB

I re-read my comment and wondered what the . . . so don't ask, unless you figure it out. Then disregard this reply. But I poke fun at all sorts of things and writing while drinking stuff is not recommended. Anyway, I think it's pretty good when I'm floating but I blame it on the al a a al alcohol. There should be laughter during and after the poem, right? - giggling 2 nte wz a Barcourt Rum from Haiti nite ~~~~Happy Friday ~~~~~Lady A~~~~



twincities's picture

A captivating read. Was it a

A captivating read. Was it a though, a dream, inception, or reality?
Keeping the mind guessing makes for the best reads:)

Moncies A. Franco

allets's picture

What is Reality?

It was an inceptualized thought really inspired by a dream. What began as an attempt at humor morphed into altering states...taking the opposite view, abandonment of previous suppositions - I am guilty here of fraud, the essence of wit - Lady A