But once received in port, where are we unpacked and shipped off to? A port, afterall, being just a door - where do the tracks or the interstate go on to?
Physicians, Profs, business owner - the wealthy I've known/know are not on my list. I'd relocate Trump's toupee, remove/loosen the "i" key from a certain computer dude's keyboard - poetic justice is the rule (or would be, if...) :D
But once received in port,
But once received in port, where are we unpacked and shipped off to? A port, afterall, being just a door - where do the tracks or the interstate go on to?
Supply chain disruption: transporters all work at Amazon now. Just dead and stuck. Note: if you hitch hike, expect inflation in Hell and Paradise.
gas is almost 5$ in Mich, 7$ plus in California.
Sounds like one oughta just
Sounds like one oughta just stick around and haunt people when it's time to head over to the other side. I better start making a list of hauntees. :)
Poltergeist - rattle em is what I would do. My list is made!
haha. Definitely gonna have
haha. Definitely gonna have fun turning a few billionaires yacht engine randomly on and off in the middle of the night.
Cool Millionaires
Physicians, Profs, business owner - the wealthy I've known/know are not on my list. I'd relocate Trump's toupee, remove/loosen the "i" key from a certain computer dude's keyboard - poetic justice is the rule (or would be, if...) :D
Succinct verbal
Succinct verbal sartoriality.
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
Minimal Write
smallish snipet
Simply shrunk