Dear Pain

A New View


You have large


too many to list,

number, or define.


So unshakable

like an unscratchable

itch, as if you were a talisman 

that has lost your luck.


Sincerely Mine,

The Pained


Lady A




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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

This is both a very beautiful

This is both a very beautiful poem, and a very instructive meditation.


lyrycsyntyme's picture

Great write

The idea of a talisman longing to be restored to it's existence at 'birth' is a brilliant portrayal.


We move through this life like some lovechild of a talisman and a pulsar, "luck" - or euphoria and pain - flickering on and off. At some point or points, both pulsating at once.


I hope you're feeling better today.

allets's picture

Weather Dried Out

50's-60'a due but older means you creak. Thank you for the well wish. I am not superstitious and magic is not here either, but when I wear my ankh, I feel really fine, a taliswoman :D.


Pain is about

attitude, you

face it square

and live, or

succumb to it

and stop living.






lyrycsyntyme's picture

haha. Hey, what ever works,

haha. Hey, what ever works, why ever it works. Maybe it's pyschological refocus, or a reminder that drives motivation to push through. Attitude in approach, as you're saying ; )


You're welcome for the well wishes, enjoy the weather : )

patriciajj's picture

I'm stunned by the innovative

I'm stunned by the innovative way you address the "unshakable" nemesis. There's exasperation, yet also defiance and power in your voice. Absolutely brilliant! 

allets's picture

Like A Cut

A nusiance, put bandaid on it, take deep breath (thank God can take a deep breath) and Keep going! ~A~